PDF Health and Safety Risk Assessment Template to Download
A risk assessment in PDF format is available for free download at the bottom of this page. Comprising six pages, this risk assessment includes, among others: a page presenting the risk evaluation method, a page for assessing your occupational risks, a page to plan your occupational risk prevention campaign, etc. This risk assessment in PDF format will enable you to inventory all risks inherent to the health and safety of your employees, a prerequisite essential for the implementation of an occupational risk prevention program. These occupational risk prevention measures generally combine collective protection measures, individual protection measures, and training initiatives aimed at raising awareness and educating employees about various occupational risks. In the long term, the implementation of these measures will allow you to improve health and safety at work within your company, this improvement should concretely result in a reduction of workplace accidents, and therefore work stoppages, including those related to occupational diseases (see Occupational diseases of Health and Safety Executive).
Viewer: PDF of our risk assessment available for free download at the bottom of the page.
Why download a blank PDF assessment template?
This risk assessment in PDF format aims to address two questions frequently asked by business owners and their administrative services:
What does a risk assessment look like?
What elements does it contain?
To help you better understand how a risk assessment works, we have included in this PDF format model an example of a hazard, the risks it poses, and the preventive measures to be implemented to protect against it. Thus, everyone can easily understand the ins and outs of assessing occupational risks, especially since the hazard we have chosen is well known to all, as it relates to coronavirus contamination.
What does this downloadable PDF risk assessment template contain?
The content is almost identical to what you will find in our risk assessments already completed by sector of activity, as well as in our offer to create custom risk assessments:
_ A cover with an illustration to serve as a jacket in case of paper printing.
_ A title page with your company's information to fill in.
_ A page presenting the method of evaluating occupational risks to be used to complete this risk assessment model, which will allow you to assess each of your risks.
_ A page of occupational risk evaluation (the most important part of your risk assessment)
_ A page of occupational risk prevention with a prevention calendar to help you determine the collective or individual protection measures to be implemented and when.
What does the risk assessment part of this downloadable PDF template contain?
The occupational risk evaluation of this risk assessment contains 13 columns to be filled out. Here is a detailed explanation of these 13 columns and their roles:
"Work Units": They define groups of occupational risks sharing similar characteristics. It is imperative, as specified by article R.4121–1 of the Labor Code, to classify occupational risks according to different work units.
"Family Risk": They refer to the major categories to which your specific risks belong. These families include physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, road, as well as fire or explosion risks. It should be noted that these major families can be subdivided into sub-families. For example, radiological risks belong to the sub-family of physical risks.
"Hazard Source": It refers to the specific risk situation identified within your company. This could be, for example, slips, trips and falls, repetitive movements, manual handling, etc.
WARNING: Do not confuse Hazard and Risk!
These two terms are distinct and are defined in accordance with Health and Safety Executive standards.
The "hazard" is what causes harm to health (for example, repetitive motions), while the "risk" refers to the harm done to health (for example, pain or musculoskeletal disorders).
The "Why?" column: This is to explain why the identified hazard applies to your business and how it could harm workers' health.
The "When?" column: It aims to specify the time or the particular conditions under which workers are most likely to be exposed to this hazard.
The "Possible Risks" column: List here as comprehensive a list as possible of all the occupational hazards that could stem from the identified source of danger. (It is advisable to separate the risks that can manifest in the short term from those that can manifest in the long term).
"Likelihood": This refers to the likelihood of workers encountering this hazard, with four possible variants: highly likely, likely, possible, almost impossible.
"Exposure": This refers to the frequency with which workers are likely to face this hazard. Four variants are also possible: once a day, once a week, once a month, once a year. (this is an approximation!)
"Severity": This represents the most severe consequence (while trying to remain realistic) that could result from this hazard. Four variants are possible: No work stoppage, Work stoppage, Irreversible effect, Death.
"Existing Control": This refers to your current level of control over this hazard. Four choices are offered: Well Controlled, Controlled, Partially Controlled, No Control.
"Risk Ratting": This is a coefficient indicating the severity of the hazard. The higher this index, the more crucial it is to implement effective preventive measures.
"Risk Level": It gives an idea of the severity of the hazard with four levels: very concerning, concerning, somewhat concerning, acceptable as is.
And finally, "How to Reduce the Risk": This explains the measures to adopt to mitigate the risks associated with your hazard. Among these measures, the most common are: substituting risk sources, establishing collective or individual protections, training workers, and raising awareness of risks through information.
What does the Risk Prevention section of this downloadable PDF template contain?
To complete the "occupational risk prevention" section of this risk assessment document, you will need to fill out five columns. The different columns and the information to be entered are...
"According to the current ranking, hazard number...": This is a numbered scale of your various risks. Risk number 1 being the most significant risk in your company, down to number __ which will be the last risk in your inventory, having the lowest criticality index.
"Corresponds to the hazard of...": This involves reporting the hazard corresponding to this position in the ranking. Note that in our Excel format documents, hazards are automatically reported.
"The protective measures considered to reduce it are...": Mention here the different prevention actions specifically adapted to this hazard. Again, this information is automatically retrieved on our unique documents in Excel format.
"These measures are currently...": This column allows you to indicate the progress of these prevention measures. We recommend four different choices: perfectly in place, partially in place, to be implemented, or not feasible.
"And will be reviewed...": Indicate here the planned date for reviewing and potentially adjusting these measures, especially those that are partially in place or yet to be established. We recommend specifying a time interval rather than a precise date. However, avoid planning too close deadlines, which have almost no chance of being met because they are too ambitious. Our preference is to define two time intervals in the year: "during the first half of the year" and "during the second half of the year".
There is one last option for the prevention measures you do not wish to implement during the current year for various reasons (limited budget, technical constraints, etc.). This is the "Maybe next year" option. This option allows you to postpone these actions to the next review of your risk assessment document, which is usually carried out once a year