Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
On this page, you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our website, our company, and our services. If you can't find the answer to your question, you can reach us by email at or through the live chat of this website. A contact form is also available at the bottom of this page.
Do your Health and Safety Risk Assessments comply with regulations?

Our Health and Safety Risk Assessments identify the primary hazards, risks, and useful prevention methods for each sector of activity. In doing so, we equip you with the best possible tools to provide a safe and healthful workplace for your employees, in accordance with regulations in many countries, including the United Kingdom, under The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Additionally, we ensure that our documents are updated in the event of emerging new risks, as was the case during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Answer : Yes
How soon will I receive my Health and Safety Risk Assessment?

Answer: Immediately via Download
All the Health and Safety Risk Assessments sold on our website are delivered through download. Once your payment is processed, you will automatically be directed to a page where you can download your Health and Safety Risk Assessment. However, if you're not comfortable with using a computer, feel free to send us a message via email or the live chat. We're here to listen and will try to find a solution to deliver your Health and Safety Risk Assessment to you.
How will I receive my invoice?

Answer: Via email following your order.
When you place an order for a Health and Safety Risk Assessment on our website, an email is automatically sent to your email address with a link to your invoice. However, some email services may categorize this automatic email as spam and place it in the junk mail folder. If you haven't received your invoice within hours of your purchase, we recommend checking your spam folder. Otherwise, simply send us an email or use our website chat, and we will resend your invoice.
I can't find the answer to my question?

Send us a message via email or through the live chat.
If you can't find the answer to your question in the FAQ or elsewhere on the site, send us a message via email or through the live chat. Don't hesitate; we will always take the time to respond to you, including for broader questions about Health and Safety Risk Assessments in general, regulations, how to evaluate risks, creating new risk assessments, and more broadly anything related to regulations and safety within the company.
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