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Are you a town hall looking for a professional risk assessment?

In search of a health and safety risk assessment tailored to your activity?

Do you need a pre-filled assessment to save you hours of work?

Want to be in compliance with safety regulations?


Our Health and Safety Risk Assessment is designed to meet your needs with:

→ A professional risk assessment totally specific to town halls.

→ A professional risk assessment dedicated to town halls employees.

→ Risk prevention proposals dedicated to town halls.

→ Integration of risks linked to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.


All this in an easily editable Excel format, allowing you to make personalized updates on your own.




This 5-page Excel file includes:

  • A Cover Page
  • A Company Information page
  • A presentation of the Risk Assessment Methodology used.
  • An occupational risks assessment tailored to your sector of activity.
  • A risk prevention schedule with all the different safety measures.

It contains 29 occupational risk situations classified into 5 work units:

  • Customer reception
  • Administrative work
  • Moving outdoors
  • Cleaning of premises
  • Work areas.


☑ Complies with the employer's obligation to assess risks

(Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999)

☑ Adheres to the General Principles of Prevention

(Schedule 1 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999)

☑ Takes into account good practice and pitfalls in risk assessment

(Report RR151 from the Health and Safety Executive)




  • The danger of prolonged sitting: Administrative work in a town hall involves sitting in a static position for long periods of time. In particular, prolonged sitting for long hours entails a number of physical hazards. The risks associated with working in a prolonged seated position are present every day for town hall administrative employees. These risks can be increased by working in a position that is unsuitable for the person (e.g., a desk chair that is too high, or a desk that is too low, forcing the person to bend forward). Prolonged sitting can lead to various musculoskeletal disorders, such as neck stiffness and pain, sometimes with the onset of osteoarthritis, muscular pain in the trapezius area of the upper back, as well as varicose veins and venous circulation disorders. Prolonged sitting in a static position also has an effect on cardiac fitness and the shape of the body as a whole, due to a lack of movement.


  • The danger of falling on the same level: Although most administrative work is carried out in a seated position, town hall staff may also be subject to the risk of falling on the same level when moving around the premises to carry out certain tasks: going to the printer, consulting a colleague, etc. This risk is particularly present on rainy days. The risk is particularly acute on rainy days. The risk of falls is amplified when premises have degraded, slippery or uneven floors. The risk of falling on the same level is present every day, but is heightened in certain contexts, notably: wet / damp floors (particularly on rainy days), degraded or uneven floor coverings (broken tiles, sloping floors or presence of steps). Falls on the same level can cause pain, lumbago, sprains, contusions, wounds and fractures.


  • The danger of prolonged work on a computer screen: Administrative work in town halls nowadays requires a great deal of computer work. The result is prolonged exposure to computer screens, which can be a source of physical hazards. The risks associated with computer work depend on a number of factors: distance from the screen, brightness of the screen and of the workroom, type of screen used (LCD, OLED, cathode-ray, etc.). The main risks associated with prolonged computer screen use are irritability, fatigue, nervousness and headaches.


  • Falls from height: Town hall administrative staff may need access to high storage areas, to store or retrieve files for example. Falls account for 37% of work stoppages in the administrative sector (public and private sectors combined). The risks associated with falls from height are proportional to various factors, such as working height and the presence of objects on the ground on which the person may fall. The probability of falling or not is highly dependent on the means of access to height used. Falls from height often result in severe pain, bruising, lumbago, sprains, contusions, wounds and fractures.




_ We're registered as Professional Risk Prevention Consultants.

_ Our team comprises graduate safety engineers.

_ Our documents are routinely checked by safety inspectors.

_ We frequently update our Occupational Risk Assessments.



_ "Office environment hazards" by the University of Essex.

Health and Safety Risk Assessment - Town Hall

£70.00 Regular Price
£59.50Sale Price
  • | Complies with regulations

    | Refund within 48 hours if not satisfied

    | Includes COVID-19 risk

    | 100% complete, with all your risks

    | 100% editable thanks to the Excel format

    | Includes risk prevention measures

    | Includes a risk prevention schedule

    | Consulting Engineer at your service

  • | Risk assessment consulting firm

    | Covering over 100 industry sectors

    | Over 1,000 clients worldwide

    | Nearly 100% satisfaction rate

    | Attentive to your challenges

    | We support through: Email - Live Chat

    | Always available, even after purchase

average rating is 4.1 out of 5, based on 19 votes, (Évaluations Clients)

Customer Reviews on Our Health and Safety Risk Assessments


Recommendation Nathalie Choux


Garage des Loges


Jean Claude Parmentier

"The document, of high quality and customizable, is an excellent starting point for a topic that often takes up a lot of time. Thank you also for listening to our needs and the customer follow-up!"

"High-quality service at a very competitive price - the company fully adapted to my business and its multiple risks. This document was also reviewed by the labor inspection, which approved the quality of the work. I recommend."

I recommend the occupational risk assessment documents for their ease of use (Excel workbook) and the relevance of risks listed by profession.

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